Sirena Rana
Sirena Rana has logged thousands of miles hiking, backpacking, rafting, and canyoneering in the Southwest, both for fun and working as a guide. She is an expert on the Arizona National Scenic Trail. She has been involved with its construction, promotion, and maintenance for over a decade and has completed the trail twice.
Sirena developed the Arizona Trail Gateway Community Program to help connect trail users to the 33 towns along the trail and provide economic development through tourism. Her consulting company, Trails Inspire, promotes the outdoors via photography, freelance writing, public speaking, and trail design and construction. A trained archaeologist, she enjoys sharing the culture and history of her adopted state. Originally from the Chicago suburbs, Sirena is based in Tucson, Arizona, but considers the Grand Canyon her second home.
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Check out AZT expert Sirena Rana’s newest book where she guides you along the most interesting and accessible portions of the trail in 30 carefully crafted routes. Each entry includes navigational information and interpretive facts about the trail’s cultural history, natural history, and geography.
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