1 Comment

  1. Annie Long
    February 18, 2025 @ 6:10 pm

    I loved this interview! I have collected birds’ nests for many years, never expecting I would see a book about it. I didn’t brag about it–then I knew it was a strange hobby!
    I was working at landscape maintenance when I found the nest that inspired my collection, in a gutter. I don’t know the identity of the builder, but it was lined with cigarette filters! She, he? had plucked and stretched two-three old filters into a soft surface in the bottom center of the outer twig structure.
    I was amazed, charmed, and concerned, equally. So creative and adaptive, but how would any remaining toxins affect the eggs or hatchlings? I began to see nests everywhere and learning which ones were abandoned was tricky. I didn’t want to take a nest that was counted on for another brood. My secateurs were standard on my belt and often came in useful when I wanted to retrieve a nest that was woven into a dead photinia for example.
    Now with the extreme results of climate disruption leading to the spread of bird flu, I have had to end my collecting hobby. Instead I can enjoy your dear book.
    Thank you for writing it. Thank you for this insightful interview.
    Annie Long


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